Swim lessons for every child. everywhere.

Knowing how to swim is an essential and lifesaving skill that should not depend on income or socioeconomic status. So then why do 79% of children from families earning less than $50,000 a year have little to no swimming ability? 64% of African American children cannot swim and have a fatal drowning rate three times higher than that of white children.

Private swim lessons and access to developmental and competitive swim teams in the Washington, D.C. metro area can cost families thousands of dollars per year. Life-saving, basic swim lessons alone can cost over $200 a month. Whether intentional or not, the sport of swimming holds a structural and institutional bias against athletes and children of color and those from lower-income communities. Something must be done to stop the costs of learning to swim costing children their lives.

Swimming is a life-saving skill, so just the fact that the sport that I love can give so much back to other people and inspire them to join something that they never thought they could do or go after their dreams - is something that is really special to me.
— Simone Manuel